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Management and development of the Santa Fe Metropolitan Agricultural Park (PASFM)
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Women producers
Peri-urban territory
Agricultural park

How to Cite

Soijet, M., Mantovani, G., Peralta Flores, M. C., & García, V. I. (2023). Management and development of the Santa Fe Metropolitan Agricultural Park (PASFM): women producers, economic development and labor inclusion. Labor E Engenho, 17(00), e023001.


Peri-urban area of Santa Fe is characterized by its fertility and productive diversity, contribution to territorial food security/sovereignty, multicultural abundance and the wide range of ecosystem services it provides, all of which evidence the enormous potential for growth that this experience can materialize, if it is sustained and enriched. However, it is also a productive territory at risk due to a series of recent processes, such as the pressure of urban expansion without adequate environmental considerations, deterioration of essential natural resources, crisis of some traditional production systems, conflicts in the rural-urban interface, among others.

This project intends to advance in an agreed Plan for the recently formed and delimited Parque Agrario Santa Fe Metropolitana that, in addition to defining the strategic axes and general guidelines, is oriented on this occasion to make visible the importance of women at the head of small food producer organizations, focusing on the starting points of the situation of both men and women, their different interests and needs, and the impact that certain actions can generate in their unequal and disadvantageous situation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Mirta Soijet, Graciela Mantovani, María Celeste Peralta Flores, Victoria Ivon García


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