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Renewals and ruptures
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Urban interventions
Historic urban landscape
Cultural heritage

How to Cite

Santana, A. . B. de, & Silva, M. T. de M. (2022). Renewals and ruptures : urban interventions in downtown Recife [state of Pernambuco, Brazil] and the historic urban landscape approach. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022026.


The historic center of Recife is formed by islands that comprise 23km of border area, composing a landscape characterized by the churches’ bell towers. Since 1990, this center started a process of reoccupation and revaluation of the waterfronts, marked by the railway-industrial remnants. Several ruptures mark this nucleus, encouraged by legislative changes and the lack of recognition of these areas as cultural heritage; in addition to the lack of guidelines that reduce the impact of interventions at the site; and deficiency in the understanding of the landscape in the territorial scope. This article aims to analyze the consequences of the insufficiency of specific guidelines, as well as of urban and heritage legislation regarding the understanding and preservation of the landscape of downtown Recife, in the waterfronts, and how the approach of the Historic Urban Landscape can contribute to the intervention and understanding of the landscape in its entirety, pointing out, as a result, feasible paths and tools for the preservation of the city's cultural heritage. For this purpose, data were collected and analyzed regarding projects approved in Recife from the 2000s onwards, as well as the urban legislation of the city center.
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