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Assessment of the erodibility of degraded areas in the domain range of the DF-250 Brazil
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Erosive process
Tropical soils

How to Cite

De Paula, G. F., Massocco, N. S., & Boaventura, N. F. (2023). Assessment of the erodibility of degraded areas in the domain range of the DF-250 Brazil: a case study. Labor E Engenho, 17(00), e023007.


Erosions in the Federal District have an evolutionary process different from those observed in other regions of Brazil, the result of geological-geotechnical and environmental conditions that are characteristic of this region. The study deals with an extensive erosion process located in a segment of the DF-250 district highway, caused by disordered urbanization and aggravated by the lack of planned rain systems and their correct maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the conditioning of this erosion. Based on the route of the highway, the study focused on surveying the implementations defined by the DER/DF, which consisted of laboratory tests such as granulometry, infiltration, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and analysis of the physical environment using geological, geomorphological maps, soil loss, among others. These analyzes allowed us to reflect on the possible triggers of the erosive processes, such as incorrect drainage, accelerated by human action and the rainy periods that cause the variation of humidity along the geological profile of the terrain. Considering these aspects as the main causes of degradation, measures for the recovery of eroded areas were analyzed, such as the reconfirmation of the relief so that both areas function as retention basins, retaining rainwater and reducing runoff, added with vegetation, and retraining of places with intense gullet. Finally, it was possible to propose study suggestions that may be useful for a comprehensive understanding of the erosive processes surrounding the DF-250.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Gisandra Faria De Paula, Narayana Saniele Massocco, Nathália Freitas Boaventura


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