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Evolutionary reading
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Evolutionary reading
Historic center

How to Cite

Durán Ovalle, J. C. (2023). Evolutionary reading: Historic Center of Zacatecas, Mexico. Heritage architecture for silver mining. Labor E Engenho, 17(00), e023019.


From an architectural, patrimonial and urbanistic approach, this proposal is presented as a central point of urban growth and morphological transformations in the historic center of a mining city that developed during the New Spain: Zacatecas, Mexico. The relationship between the buildings linked to mining within the mentioned polygon, will allow to analyze from a historical vision the progress of the city and its influence on the development of the territory, understanding its process of conformation through tools such as the reinterpretation of historical elements and the creation of new cartography, providing incentives for the preservation, transmission and dissemination of this legacy to future generations. The relevance of rescuing the historical memory of buildings that were used to house activities related to silver mining represents an opportunity to determine criteria of valorization with the specific examples of architectural heritage of the case studies presented in this work.
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FUENTES ELECTRÓNICAS: (Consulta: 22/02/2022) (Consulta: 23/02/2022) (Consulta: 27/04/2022) (Consulta: 29/04/2022)

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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Carlos Durán Ovalle


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