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Optimization of hydraulic pump operation and associated benefits with energy storage
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Energy storage
Energy efficiency
Water pumping

How to Cite

Silva, I. A. da, Pinheiro, V. de C. N., & Francato, A. L. (2023). Optimization of hydraulic pump operation and associated benefits with energy storage. Labor E Engenho, 17(00), e023018.


Methodologies that seek energy efficiency are increasingly necessary and valued considering the global environmental scenario, marked by global warming and the aggravation of polluting gas emissions. Therefore, there is the possibility of applying optimal strategies for the use of energy resources associated with water resources, through the storage of energy in gravitational form. This strategy consists of optimizing the operation of pumps with planning to consume electricity at lower cost times, which allows water to be stored in an upper reservoir so that it can be consumed at times of higher energy cost. Thus, this work explores a case study with the objective of minimizing electricity bills associated with the operation of the pump, under the analysis of the Conventional Tariff, the White Tariff and a fictitious hourly tariff called the Brown Tariff. Results point to a saving of only 1.0% in the energy bill when comparing the application of the White Tariff to the Conventional Tariff in a scenario of conventional use of the pumping system. However, a cost reduction of up to 16.6% is verified with the optimization of the use of the pump in relation to the traditional operation when the White Tariff is applied. Finally, in an hourly pricing scenario, savings of 9.3% are achieved when optimizing the use of the pump. Therefore, the methodology of this work points out that there is potential for exploring energy storage associated with the strategic operation of a water pump, in addition to pointing to the need for new tariffs that are more consistent with the needs of the electrical grid and that better adapt the application to other equipment, thus seeking greater adherence to the methodology.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isabela Assis da Silva, Vinícius de Carvalho Neiva Pinheiro, Alberto Luiz Francato


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