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The emergence of small hydroelectric plants and the urbanization process in the hinterland of São Paulo state (1890-1930)
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hydroelectric plant
São Paulo state territory
industrial heritage

How to Cite

Mortati, D. M. de A. N., & Argollo Ferrão, A. M. de. (2011). The emergence of small hydroelectric plants and the urbanization process in the hinterland of São Paulo state (1890-1930). Labor E Engenho, 5(2), 26–44.


The period focused in this paper is from 1890 to 1930, when São Paulo state began its industrialization process, the coffee economy was booming and, in that context, it was founded the first hydroelectric power company in the state. This panorama advanced till 1930, when the coffee economy began in crisis, the industry was already established and the construction of hydroelectric plants after 1930 takes on another course: the large dams, closing the cycle of small hydroelectric plants. The electricity generation in Brazil follows the paths of the railroad; and it was drawing newborders between rural and urban, rural and industry. The cities aspect was changing as the “improvements” were availability, many powered by electricity. The nascent industries were also occupying the space between the railroad and energy; what created new districts and centralities. Thispaper analyzes the processes that hydroelectric energy sets off in São Paulo state; and focuses on itsconsequences.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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