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Evaluation of the Photovoltaic System Installation Impact to an Electric Power Grid Part 1: Simulation of photovoltaic generation by applying a meteorological model
PDF (English)

Palabras clave

Meteorological model
Solar irradiance
PV map
Tilted plane

Cómo citar

Porras, J. E. W., Shimada, S., Yoshino, J., & Kobayashi, T. (2015). Evaluation of the Photovoltaic System Installation Impact to an Electric Power Grid Part 1: Simulation of photovoltaic generation by applying a meteorological model. Labor E Engenho, 9(4), 90–102.


The impact of the installation of a large-scale photovoltaic (PV) system to the electric power grid management is analyzed numerically in this series of works. In this part 1, the solar irradiance at the target country, Guatemala, is evaluated with a weather forecasting model, and PV energy potential is estimated. From the computed potential distribution, the appropriate area for installation of a large-scale PV system is selected. This area is where the solar irradiance is large and the energy consumption regions are close by. The optimal tilted angle of the PV panels is proposed as well from the PV output simulation. The time series data of the PV output is also evaluated in this part, and it will be applied to the analysis of the impact of the PV installation to the electric power grid management in the following part of this series of works.
PDF (English)


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