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Vehicles. Conceptual mental episodes. Inferentialism. Normativity. Mental content. Supervenience.

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STEINER, Pierre. BOUNDLESS THOUGHT. THE CASE OF CONCEPTUAL MENTAL EPISODES. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Campinas, SP, v. 35, n. 2, p. 269–309, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


I present and defend here a thesis named vehicleless externalism for conceptual mental episodes. According to it, the constitutive relations there are between the production of conceptual mental episodes by an individual and the inclusion of this individual in social discursive practices make it non-necessary to equate, even partially, conceptual mental episodes with the occurrence of physical events inside of that individual. Conceptual mental episodes do not have subpersonal vehicles; they have owners: persons in interpretational practices. That thesis is grounded on inferentialism and on the endorsement of the idea that “meaning is normative”. After having recapitulated this heritage and after having presented that thesis, the paper especially attempts to articulate how, in that framework, we may then positively conceive the relations there are between conceptual mental episodes, intracranial events and inferential behaviour.


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