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Tecnología y progresso en el contexto de los "sistemas secundarios"


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Filosofia da tecnologia

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ROSALES RODRÍGUEZ, Amán. Tecnología y progresso en el contexto de los "sistemas secundarios". Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 2, p. 59–95, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 set. 2024.


This paper presents and discusses Hans Freyer's (1887-1969) later theory of "secondary systems” and the place of technology therein. It is argued that in what can be called Freyer's historical philosophy of technology, importante clues can be found, in order to understand both the origin and the scope of current problems. Neither a pessimistic critic of culture, nor an advocate of technocracy, Freyer's sober philosophical viewpoint constitutes a position of its own. That is why it is further claimed that by adopting a similar perspective as Freyer's, the challenges posed by technological advances, as well as by the so called technological imperative, can be better understood and, perhaps, better handled too. Notwithstanding this, the article also sets forth some criticisms of certain aspects of the Freyerian philosophical stand.



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