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A psicologia de senso comum em cenários para a evolução da mente humana
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Tipos de mentes. Habilidades interpretativas. Evolução humana. Psicologia de senso comum. Construção de nichos. Modularidade.

How to Cite

ABRANTES, Paulo C. A psicologia de senso comum em cenários para a evolução da mente humana. Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy, Campinas, SP, v. 29, n. 1, p. 185–257, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Human evolution is the subject of different kinds of research committed to different agenda. In this paper I will discuss various scenarios in which folk psychology plays a distinctive role in attempts to keep track of this evolution, making explicit what is distinctive about us, compared to other animal minds: special habilities for representation and, above all, for interpretation. This perspective takes seriously the image that we are agents constituted in a social and cultural environment, which is central to much of what is done in philosophy and the social sciences. I will discuss whether this image can be assimilated by contemporary evolutionary biology, without compromising its fundamental pressupositions and its characteristic conceptual and theoretical framework. Godfrey-Smith and Sterelny embrace this project and attempt to work out the details of this integration. Contrasting with nativist scenarios, which are grounded in poverty of the stimulus arguments, a scenario emerges from that project in which the evolution of the human mind interacts with our interpretative habilities. These habilities would be, in turn, the result of social learning, facilitated by a particular kind of niche construction involving non-genetic inheritance mechanisms.

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