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The Passage of Time and its Enemies: an introduction to time and reality II
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Passage of time. Dynamicity. Tense realism. Succession. B-theory of time.

How to Cite

BOCCARDI, Emiliano. The Passage of Time and its Enemies: an introduction to time and reality II. Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy, Campinas, SP, v. 40, n. 1, p. 5–41, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.


This essay is a critical introduction to the second part of the special issue Time and Reality. The volume contains responses to papers appeared in the first part, as well as many original articles. The aim of this introduction is to frame these works within the general arena of the philosophy of time, highlighting a number of recurrent themes. A central theme that emerges is a difficulty in pinning down the ontological structure underlying dynamicity and passage without postulating a primitive notion of transiency that is conceptually independent from the instantiation of tense properties. I argue that this has far reaching implications.
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