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Two-valued weak kleene logics
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Weak kleene logics
Logics of nonsense.

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DA RÉ, Bruno; SZMUC, Damian. Two-valued weak kleene logics. Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy, Campinas, SP, v. 42, n. 1, p. 1–43, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


In the literature,Weak Kleene logics are usually taken as three-valued logics. However, Suszko has challenged the main idea of many-valued logic claiming that every logic can be presented in a two-valued fashion. In this paper, we provide two-valued semantics for the Weak Kleene logics and for a number of four-valued subsystems of them. We do the same for the so-called Logics of Nonsense, which are extensions of the Weak Kleene logics with unary operators that allow looking at them as Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs) and Logics of Formal Underterminedness (LFUs). Our aim with this work, rather than arguing for Suszko’s thesis, is to show that two-valued presentations of these peculiar logics enlighten the non-standard behavior of their logical connectives. More specifically, the twovalued presentations of paraconsistent logics illustrate and clarify the disjunctive flavor of the conjunction, and dually, the two-valued presentations of paracomplete subsystems of Weak Kleene logics reveal the conjunctive flavor of the disjunction.

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