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Quinean views in argentine analytic philosophy
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Filosofia analítica

How to Cite

MORETTI, Alberto. Quinean views in argentine analytic philosophy. Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 1, p. 61–83, 1999. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


An overview of the influence of Quine's work in the
development of analytic philosophy in Argentina is offered.
Published papers on Quinean theses and arguments about
semantics and ontology are taken into account. In particular,
the views of Raúl Orayen and Thomas M. Simpson about
rejection of intensional concepts, the indeterminacy of
translation, and ontological commitment are examined.
Although not as an explanation of the whole of linguistic
behaviour, a moderate defense of the non-intensionalist and
relativistic approach with respect to the explanantion of
natural language meaning is presented. A brief and critical
reference to the reception of the Davidsonian use of Quinean
extensionalism is offered in the final section.

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Moretti, A. (1995). Fidelidad a los Hechos y Suspicacia Semántica, Critica Vol. XXVII, nº 79, pp. 21-45.

Orayen, R. (1982). Quine, los Conceptos Intensionales Lógica del Lenguaje Ordinario, Análisis Filosófico, II, 1-2 pp. 47-72.

Orayen, R. (1987). Sobre el Argumento de la Indeterminación de la Traducción. In: Acero, J. & Calvo Martínez, T. (eds.) Symposium Quine (Granada).

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Zuleta, H.R. (1982). Universales y Entidades Abstractas, Análisis Filosófico, II, nº 1-2, pp. 139-155.

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