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Competing or harmonic? evolution and original sin in the augustinian/reformed tradition
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Original sin
Reformed tradition
Evolutionary theory

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CABRAL, Marcelo. Competing or harmonic? evolution and original sin in the augustinian/reformed tradition. Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy, Campinas, SP, v. 44, n. 4, p. 261–292, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The complex relations between Christianity and science seem to present a critical point in evolutionary theory, especially for the challenges it poses to the doctrine of original sin. I investigate the precise senses in which evolution threatens (or not) the Augustinian/Reformed formulation of original sin, analyzing each of the six tenets of the doctrine vis a vis nine evolutionary claims, as well as the supposed clash between the narratives of evolution and Christianity. I show that the threat is less impressive than it is usually assumed, and I highlight where the conflict really lies. I defend that it is possible to remain faithful to the core of the doctrine of original sin and to accept the reliability of evolution as a scientific theory. I present three scenarios for “Adam and Eve” and interpret them using two different models. I favor the understanding of Adam and Eve as the whole initial human bottleneck viewed through the lens of a multilevel model.

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