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Irrational inference and rational belief Hume’s justification of induction
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Palabras clave

Inferência irracional
Crença racional

Cómo citar

SWAIN, Corliss G. Irrational inference and rational belief Hume’s justification of induction. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 2, p. 231–255, 1997. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.


New arguments are presented for rejecting the idea that Hume was a sceptic about causal reasoning. I argue that Hume intended to show that causal inferences are rational, and that his attempt to do so was successful. In Part I an account of what it is to be a rational inference is proposed. Part II it is argued that  Hume’s  arguments that we are not determined by reason when we make causal inferences amount to an attack on a certain conception of how reasons cause beliefs for which they are supposed to be reasons, rather than na atack on the view that casual inferences envolve reasons. In Part III I show how Hume proposes to justify causal reasoning. Part IV I discuss the limitations of Hume’s justification, and why he sees his view as sceptical. In Part V, I discuss how Hume deals with the sceptical challeng to his justification, and argue that, although Hume does not meet the sceptic’s challenge, that does not prevent his arguments from being a justification of casual reasoning.

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Derechos de autor 1997 Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia


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