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The structure of Husserl’s Prolegomena


Husserl. Prolegomena

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HADDOCK, Guillermo E. Rosado. The structure of Husserl’s Prolegomena. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 2, p. 61–100, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 set. 2024.


Husserl’s refutation of psychologism one hundred years ago in his opus magnum Logische Untersuchungen is a painfully detailed enterprise. After justifying the existence of logic as a separate practical discipline, Husserl first shows that normative and a fortiori practical disciplines are founded on theoretical ones. He then formulates the psychologistic theses, extracts empirical consequences from them and shows how psychologism distorts the content of logical laws. The nucleus of the refutation consists in six arguments showing that specific relativism and, in particular, anthropologism is a form of skepticism, and, finally, establishing that psychologism is a specific relativism, an anthropologism. A more direct and brief refutation follows, in which Husserl brings to the fore the prejudices on which psychologism is based.



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