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Extreme non-viable candidates and quota maneuvering in brazilian legislative elections


Legislative elections
Non-viable candidates
Gender quota
Political parties

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WYLIE, Kristin; SANTOS, Pedro dos; MARCELINO, Daniel. Extreme non-viable candidates and quota maneuvering in brazilian legislative elections. Opinião Pública, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 1, p. 1–28, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


This article explores the causes and consequences of extreme non-viable candidacies, also known as “ laranja ” (orange) candidacies in the Brazilian political lore. We first define and delineate what makes a candidate a laranja, engaging the comparative literature on sacrificial lambs and using district-level electoral results to operationalize the concept. We then advance a typology of laranjas with four ideal types that vary along dimensions of legality and intentionality. Next, we apply descriptive statistics and a hierarchical logistic regression model to explore the individual, party, and district-level characteristics of extreme non-viable candidates and assess whether and how laranjas are distinct from non- laranjas. Finally, we illustrate the gendered character of laranjas, documenting how the candidate gender quota law in Brazil has been associated with a proliferation of candidatas laranjas (women extreme non-viable candidates).



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