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Public patrimonial policies
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Patrimonialization of cities
Art Déco architectural and urban planning in Goiânia
Urban identity

How to Cite

FERREIRA, Jackeline Mendes; OLIVEIRA, Adriana Mara Vaz de. Public patrimonial policies: the Art Deco listed in Goiânia (GO). RUA, Campinas, SP, v. 26, n. 1, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/rua.v26i1.8658954. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


This article analyzes the merits of the listing of Art Déco in Goiânia, capital of the state of Goiás. Even today, twenty years after the listing of some public buildings and the central pioneer urban layout, a large part of the population does not recognize that space as part of Goiás identity. Few people know the historical and constructive process of the municipality or do not share the architectural characteristics of Art Déco, highlighting the question: what is the importance of the listing of the Art Déco in Goiânia? The structure of this article will cover research that discusses the heritage of world cities, the process of “market culturalism” and the need for popular participation in the formulation and implementation of cultural public policies. The results indicate that the listing of the abovementioned buildings was done by the public administration and that they do not match the urban images established in the imaginary of the Goianienses.
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