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Between verbal and non-verbal
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Discourse analysis
Sport discourse

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ARAÚJO, Érica Daniela de; ARANTES, Gabriela Villela; SANTOS, Milene Bianchi dos; BARCELOS, Sérgio Cardoso. Between verbal and non-verbal: the representation of brazilian women in the sports discourse. RUA, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 1, p. 149–165, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/rua.v28i1.8670132. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


In this article, we propose, from the theoretical-methodological perspective of Discourse Analysis, to analyze the representation of women in and through sports discourse, specifically, in the discourse formulated from the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games. Therefore, we selected three covers of the newspaper “O Globo”, from which, analyzing the relationship between verbal and non-verbal language in the constitution of the different felt effects and taking into account the constitution, formulation and circulation of these discourses (Cf . ORLANDI, 2012), we seek to understand how women are signified in this media.
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