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Pixação and the Brazilian art circuit
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Contemporary art
Artistic circuit

How to Cite

LARA, Priscila Mocelin; VARELLA, Patricia Camera. Pixação and the Brazilian art circuit: ambiguidades e convergências. RUA, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 2, p. 391–403, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/rua.v28i2.8671112. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The reflection presented in this article is based on the relationship between pixo and the various artistic spaces (gallery, museum, public and private space), considering the different conflicts that emerged in the theoretical area, related to the concepts that involve the use of images and their meanings. in research on art history and the field of visual culture. Such processes are approached aiming at a better understanding of how this practice occurs from 2008 onwards, in interaction with the Brazilian artistic circuit. Further on, the research shows the unfolding of the events of 2008, the recent events of pixação at the ArtRio Fair 2019 and the exhibition Língua Solta, which took place at the Museum of the Portuguese Language in São Paulo (2021). This panorama seeks to point out ambiguities and convergences around the pixo present in the fields of the arts.
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