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Topographic relationship of impacted third molars and mandibular canal: correlation of panoramic radiograph signs and CBCT images
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Third molar

How to Cite

Delamare EL, Liedke GS, Vizzotto MB, Silveira HLD da, Azambuja TWF de, Silveira HED da. Topographic relationship of impacted third molars and mandibular canal: correlation of panoramic radiograph signs and CBCT images. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];11(3):411-5. Available from:


Aim: This study evaluated the proximity and relation of impacted lower third molars and mandibular canal on panoramic radiography. Methods: Radiographic signals associated with proximity of structures and Pell & Gregory and Winter classifications of 78 impacted teeth were analyzed and compared with CBCT images (gold standard). The associations between the findings were tested with Pearson’s chi-square. Results: Direct contact between structures was observed in 85% of cases of radiolucent band over roots. Conclusions: Radiolucent band over roots is the image more associated with direct contact between structures and the one that indicates lingual positioning of the canal more consistently. Some categories of Pell & Gregory and Winter classifications suggested signs of the topographic location of the mandibular canal.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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