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Surgical dental treatment prior to liver transplantation
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Oral. Hemostatic techniques. Organ transplantation

How to Cite

Santos PS da S, Pacheco MIS e S, Soler MPA, Felix VB. Surgical dental treatment prior to liver transplantation. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 5 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];10(4):254-7. Available from:


Oral-source infections are a potential threat for transplant candidates because oral diseases tend to be more severe and untreated in people who have received transplants. Although not yet scientifically proven, evaluation and dental treatment during the pre-transplantation period is recommended in order to prevent infections and resultant odontogenic-origin sepsis during the post-transplant period, when patients receive immunosuppressive therapy. Aim: To evaluate the invasive dental procedures for removing dental foci performed in patients scheduled for liver transplantation and its accompanying complications. Methods: The medical records of 33 preliver transplant recipients who were undergoing invasive dental procedures were reviewed, including their laboratory tests, special handling needs and resulting complications. Results: Fifty invasive dental procedures were carried out on the 33 patients. Three of them were subjected to basic periodontal treatment and 47 were subjected to multiple or simple extractions. Three surgical procedures resulted in postoperative complications. Conclusions: Surgical intervention to remove dental foci in liver disease patients requires careful clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, knowledge and skills in the use of local and systemic hemostatic procedures, and a partnership approach between dentists and physicians, in order to reduce the risk of complications.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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