The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of recycled brackets with 90 and 50 µm aluminum oxide blasting. It was used 30 human bicuspids, whom it was accomplished brackets bonding with composite resin chemically activated. The teeth were separated in 3 groups (n = 10). In group I (Control) brackets bonded after enamel acid etching. In groups II and III brackets were rebonded after recycling, respectively, by 90 and 50 µm aluminum oxide blaster. Shear bond test was made in the Instron machine, with 0,5 mm/ minute speed and the results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey’s test (5%). The results showed no significant statistical difference between recycled brackets by aluminum oxide and control group. Recycled brackets by 90 and 50 µm aluminum oxide showed no significant statistical difference.References
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