The purpose of this study was to evaluate bone regeneration in rabbits, comparing two types of physical barriers used to treat bone defects in guided tissue regeneration (GTR). Two osseous defects (8 mm in diameter) were performed in each hind-foot of four adult rabbits, using surgical burs with constant sterile saline solution irrigation. Defects obtained on the right hind-foots were protected with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) barriers while Gengiflex membranes were used over wounds created in the left hind-foots. Rabbits were sacrificed after three months for histological evaluation of treatments performed. Defects covered with PTFE barriers were completely repaired with bone tissue. Incomplete lamellar bone formation was detected in defects treated with Gengiflex membrane, resulting in voids and lack of continuity of bone deposition. Results withdrawn from this study demonstrated that the non-porous PTFE barrier fulfilled all requirements to induce natural bone tissue regeneration, thus becoming a more effective alternative to treat osseous defects than Gengiflex membrane.References
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