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Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions


Dental cementum. Review

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Gonçalves PF, Sallum EA, Sallum AW, Casati MZ, Toledo S, Nociti Junior FH. Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 17 [cited 2024 Sep. 24];4(12):651-8. Available from:


This article reviews developmental and structural characteristics of cementum, a unique avascular mineralized tissue covering the root surface that forms the interface between root dentin and periodontal ligament. Besides describing the types of cementum and cementogenesis, attention is given to recent advances in scientific understanding of the molecular and cellular aspects of the formation and regeneration of cementum. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in the dynamic of this tissue should allow for the development of new treatment strategies concerning the approach of the root surface affected by periodontal disease and periodontal regeneration techniques.


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