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Analgesic choice in dentistry. Part I: The mechanism of action


Analgesics. Mechanism of action. Dentistry

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Branco FP, Pinheiro MLP, Volpato MC, Andrade ED de. Analgesic choice in dentistry. Part I: The mechanism of action. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];4(14):762-5. Available from:


Analgesics are frequently used in dentistry for the management of dental pain. Dental clinicians should choose the medicine based on its mechanism of action and toxicity, to promote a successful analgesic effect as well as comfort to the patient. The purpose of this first article is to describe the pharmacological mechanisms of action of the three analgesics considered for the management of mild to moderate acute dental pain.


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