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Enamel hypoplasia or amelogenesis imperfecta - a restorative approach


Amelogenesi. Imperfecta. Enamel hypoplasia. Treatment options

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Fonseca RB, Correr Sobrinho L, Fernandes Neto AJ, Mota AS, Soares CJ. Enamel hypoplasia or amelogenesis imperfecta - a restorative approach. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 25 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];5(16):941-3. Available from:


Genetic or acquired disturbances may lead to the development of alterations on enamel structure, compromising tooth esthetics and function. This short communication aims to briefly discuss the possibility of employment of several treatment options either to Enamel Hypoplasia or Amelogenesis Imperfecta in order to achieve optimally esthetic results


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