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Forensic anthropology and molecular biology: independent or Forensic anthropology and molecular biology: independent or complementary sciences in forensic dentistry? An overview


Forensic dentistry
Forensic anthropology
Molecular biology

How to Cite

Silva RHA da, Oliveira RN de. Forensic anthropology and molecular biology: independent or Forensic anthropology and molecular biology: independent or complementary sciences in forensic dentistry? An overview. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2016 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];7(25):1575-9. Available from:


Human identification is currently one of the most outstanding areas of Forensic Sciences. Forensic anthropology is a branch of the Forensic Sciences concerned with the application of general anthropological knowledge and methods to the process of law. Postmortem human identification is one of the major areas of study and research in Legal Medicine and Forensic Dentistry and both sciences work with the same type material and the human body in several conditions. Every human being has an identity in life, which should be recognized after death both for family consolation and for juridical purposes. Therefore, the aim of this literature review was to discuss and elaborate on the relationship between Forensic Anthropology and Molecular Biology in the expert practice of Forensic Dentistry. The use of DNA profile tests in Forensic Dentistry offers a new perspective in human identification. Molecular biology techniques should definitely be added to the constellation of investigative resources of the forensic sciences, providing a variety of tools to Forensic Anthropology practice in human identity research, especially when the usual identification methods fail due to the deleterious effects of heat, trauma or autolytic processes on the body or body remains.

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