This study aimed to assess the dimensional accuracy of five commercial alginates verified in stone casts. Methods: Each alginate impression (Cavex ColorChange, Cavex Holland BV; Jeltrate Plus, Dentsply; Hydrogum, Zhermack; Kromopan 100, Lascod; Ezact Kromm, Vigodent) was performed on partially edentulous standard stainless steel mandibular arch cast with reference points on teeth 33, 43, 37 and 47. On the stainless steel cast, the anteroposterior (33-37 and 43-47) and transverse (33-43 and 37-47) distances were measured in a stereomicroscope at 30x magnification and 0.5 μm accuracy. The distances between these points were measured three times, obtaining an average, which was analyzed statistically and compared with the distances obtained from the stone casts. For each alginate the casts were poured gypsum (n = 5) immediately and after a period of 1, 2, 3 and 5 days of the impression procedure. Results: The dimensional accuracy values of stone and stainless steel casts were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The results showed significant differences between the alginates; however, no differences in dimensional accuracy were found among the different storage times of alginate impression. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the alginate impressions can be stored for up to 5 days.References
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