Hypertelorism is characterized by the increased distance between the orbits, measured from the most medial portion of its inner walls. It represents a signal found in sev eral craniofacial defects, and oral clefts. Nonsyndromic oral clefts (NOC) are the most common orofacial birth defect, occurring in 1 in 500-2,500 live births worldwide. NOC is caused by a complex interplay between environ mental exposures and genetic factors.
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Weinberg SM, Leslie EJ, Hecht JT, Wehby GL, Deleyiannis FWB, Moreno LM, et al. Hypertelorism and Orofacial Clefting Revisited: An Anthropometric Investigation. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2017 Nov;54(6):631-8. doi: 10.1597/15-256.
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