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Can surface protection prevent damage in margins of composite resin restorations after simulated endogenous erosion?


Acid gastric.

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Dias LM, Damasceno JE, Shibasaki PAN, Lima MJP, Araújo RPC de, Foxton RM, et al. Can surface protection prevent damage in margins of composite resin restorations after simulated endogenous erosion?. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 7];18:e191462. Available from:


Aim: The study investigated the effect of using surface protection agents in the adaptation of external and internal margins of restorations subjected to simulated erosion. Methods: Cavities with margins in dentin were prepared in bovine incisors (n=120). Adhesive restorations were placed using a three-step etch&rinse adhesive system and nanofilled composite resin. The specimens were divided into four groups, according to the surface protection: negative control, topical application of fluoride (TAF), resin sealant and resin-modified glass ionomer varnish (RMGI varnish). Afterwards, they were divided into three sub-groups, according to the exposure to a simulated solution of gastric acid (DES) (5% HCl, pH=2,2) and subsequent remineralization (RE): negative control, 9 and 18 cycles of DES-RE. The evaluation of the tooth-restoration interface was performed on the internal and frontal images with the aid of a stereoscopic microscope (15x), and the percentage of continuous margins without adhesive failures was quantified. Results: In the external margins, only those groups with surface protection using sealants (resin and glass-ionomer) did not exhibit a significant decrease in the percentage of continuous margins after the erosive challenges. After 18 cycles of DES-RE, the use of resin-modified glass ionomer varnish resulted in the highest percentage of continuous margins. Conclusion: It was concluded that physically covering the surfaces with a sealing agent preserved the marginal adaptation of composite resin restorations exposed to endogenous erosive challenges.


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