Aim: Recent reports indicate that deproteinization of acid-etched dentin surface can extend penetration depth of adhesive agents. The main goal of the present research was to investigate the deproteinization effect of Nd:YAG and diode 940 lasers on acid-etched dentin and microleakage grade in class V composite restorations. Methods: 36 extracted human premolar teeth were selected to make standard buccal and lingual class V cavities. These samples were randomly split into three sub-groups: 1.Control group, in which composite was applied for restoration after etch and bonding process without deproteinization; 2.Nd:YAG laser group, in which the teeth were deproteinized with Nd:YAG laser after etching and painting internal surfaces of cavities with Van Geison stain and then composite restorations applied just as control group; 3.Diode laser group, in which the process was similar to Nd:YAG laser group, but instead, diode 940 laser was irradiated. The teeth were bisected into two equal longitudinal buccal and lingual halves. Marginal microleakage of samples was scored by using a stereomicroscope. Kruskal- Wallis, Mann-Whitney U and Fisher’s statistical tests were employed for analysis of the obtained data. Results: A significant reduction in marginal microleakage was observed for both groups treated with laser (Nd:YAG and diode 940)compared to control (p=0.001 & p=0.047). There was no significant difference in marginal microleakage between Nd:YAG laser and diode 940groups (P = 0.333). Conclusion: Nd:YAG and diode 940 laser deproteinization of acid-etched dentin decreased the marginal microleakage of in-vitro class V resin composite restorations.
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