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Sex dimorphism according to the nasozygomatic triangle


Forensic anthropology
Sex determination by skeleton
Sex characteristics

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Delwing F, Tinoco RLR, Miranda GE, Lima LNC, Francesquini Júnior L, Daruge Júnior E. Sex dimorphism according to the nasozygomatic triangle. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];20(00):e210624. Available from:


Sex is one of the first features to be diagnosed in human identification, composing, with age, ancestry and stature, the so called “big four”. Aim: The present study aimed to metrically analyze the sexual dimorphism in skulls of known age and sex from Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. Methods: This was a crosssectional study of metrical analysis, which used a sample comprised of 209 human skulls (106 male and 103 female) older than 22 years old at the time of death, undamaged and without signs of trauma or abnormalities. The point nasion and the most superior points on the zygomaticotemporal sutures from each side were connected forming a triangle. This area was calculated using Heron’s formula, and the results were submitted for statistical analysis. Results: All measurements showed significant values for sexual dimorphism. Through the area of the triangle, it was possible to determine sex with an accuracy of 83.97% for males and 83.50% for females. Conclusion: This simple method requires only a caliper, and still can be reliable for forensic human identification. It must be diffused and tested on other samples, and can be used as a good and inexpensive tool for experts in day-to-day practice.


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