Aim: Verify the accuracy of objective assessments compared to subjective tests in detecting changes in somatosensory perception in individuals affected by maxillofacial trauma. Methods: The review (PROSPERO n ° CRD42019125546) used the databases: MEDLINE, Cochrane, EMBASE, LILACS and other bibliographic resources. Prospective and retrospective studies that used objective and subjective methods of assessing facial sensitivity in maxillofacial fractures were included. There was no restriction on language or publication date. Risk of bias was assessed using the QUADAS-2. Data extraction and analysis were performed using a form developed for the study. Results: 21 studies were included. The clinical objective examination mainly includes assessments of: tactile sensitivity (95.24%) and nociceptive sensitivity (57.14%). The subjective assessment was based on the patient’s report, spontaneously (61.90%), guided by structured questionnaires (33.33%) and/or using scales (9.52%) to measure the degree of impairment. In risk of bias assessment, were observed no adequate interpretation and classification of changes in subjective sensitivity, subject to inappropriate analysis of the data. In addition, the studies bring several instruments without standardization for assessing sensory modalities. Conclusion: The objective assessment is a complement to the subjective assessment, using the touch assessment as the main parameter in the profile of the facial peripheral integrity, associated or not with nociceptive assessment. Lack of consensus on the indication of specific instruments for testing is a limiting factor. Thus, based on the studies, is proposed a minimum battery of sensitivity assessment to obtain an overview of the patient’s peripheral nervous situation.
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