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Effect of Spondias mombin L. extract on the wettability, roughness, color and morphology of bovine enamel


Dental enamel
Surface properties

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Gomes Alves FM, Cordeiro TO, dos Santos Melo AM, Matuda LS de A, Lopes da Silva Amorieli D, Dias J da N, et al. Effect of Spondias mombin L. extract on the wettability, roughness, color and morphology of bovine enamel. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2021 May 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];20(00):e213736. Available from:


Although Spondias mombin L. extract has an excellent antimicrobial effect against oral microorganisms, it should be clarified how it affects enamel surface properties. Aim: To evaluate the color change, wettability/contact angle, surface roughness and morphology of bovine enamel submitted to the Spondias mombin L. extract. Methods: Thirty bovine teeth were distributed into the following groups: 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, 1:32 Spondias mombin L. extract and distilled water. Color change (CC) was evaluated after immerging specimens into the solutions for 14 days. Surface roughness (Ra) was measured using a roughness meter; wettability/contact angles (CA) were determined by the sessile drop method, and scanning electron microscopy images were obtained to characterize the morphology (SMA). The pH of the solutions was evaluated using a pHmeter. The Ra, CA, and CC data were parametric (Kolmogorov-Smirnov; p>0.05). Two-way ANOVA (for Ra and CA) and one-way ANOVA (for CC) with Tukey’s posthoc tests at a significance level of 5% were used. SMA was analyzed descriptively. Results: The Spondias mombin L. extract revealed an acidic pH, and when in contact with the bovine teeth, it increased the wettability, but it did not cause statistically significant differences in the Ra. Spondias mombin L. extract caused the highest color change. The SEM images showed differences in the specimens’ surface submitted to the extract compared to the other groups. Conclusion: Spondias mombin L. extract provided negative effects on bovine enamel’s surface, including a high color change and a more wettable substrate.


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