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Dental mapractice litigance in the city of São Paulo (SP), Brazil


Insurance, liability
Forensic dentistry
Patient harm

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Sousa SP de, Borges BS, Machado ALR, Matteussi GT, Pinto PHV, Oliveira LDB de, et al. Dental mapractice litigance in the city of São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 19 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];21(00):e225074. Available from:


The relationship between patients and dentists today is more worn and less based on trust, which can lead to high rates of lawsuits related to civil liability and dental malpractice. Aim: verify if there has been an increase in the number of lawsuits related to questioned dental treatments, and against dentists registered in the city of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, from 2012 to 2017. Methods: We outlined an overview based on the list from the São Paulo Council of Dentistry containing 30,238 registered dentists in the city of São Paulo, and searched for lawsuits on the public base of the São Paulo State Court’s. Results: The search, after the inclusion and exclusion criteria, found 247 lawsuits, with dental implants as the most involved specialty. The total indemnities requested ranged from R$ 227.42 to R$ 937,000.00, but no indemnity granted exceeded the amount of R$ 100,000.00. Conclusion: According to the analysis of cases, there is a progressive increase in the number of civil liability lawsuits against dentists involving dental malpractice litigance.


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