Xerostomia is defined as the perception of dry mouth, and dysgeusia, as a change in taste. Both are common complaints in the elderly, especially among those making use of polypharmacy drug combinations. Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of xerostomia and dysgeusia and to investigate their association with polypharmacy in the elderly. Methods: older people under follow-up at the Multidisciplinary Elderly Center of the University Hospital of Brasília were interviewed and asked about health problems, medications used, presence of xerostomia and dysgeusia. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the prevalence of the symptoms surveyed. The chi-square test was used to investigate the relationship between xerostomia and dysgeusia and polypharmacy. Secondary associations were performed using binomial logistic regression. Results: Ninety-six older people were evaluated and of these, 62.5% had xerostomia and 21.1%, had dysgeusia. The average number of medications used was 4±3 medications per individual. Polypharmacy was associated with xerostomia but not dysgeusia. It was possible to associate xerostomia with the use of antihypertensive drugs. Conclusion: Xerostomia was a frequent complaint among elderly people making use of polypharmacy, especially those using antihypertensives. Antihypertensives and antidepressants were used most drugs by the elderly and exhibited interactions with drugs most prescribed in Dentistry. Two contraindications were found between fluconazole and mirtazapine; and between erythromycin and simvastatin.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Danielly de Mendonça Guimarães, Yeda Maria Parro, Herick Sampaio Muller, Eduardo Barbosa Coelho, Vicente de Paulo Martins, Rafael Santana, Érica Negrini Lia