Aim: This study analyzed public procurements for different endodontic materials used in the Brazilian public health system and evaluated the variables related to their cost. Methods: A time-series study was performed by screening materials for endodontic application in the public Brazilian Databank of Healthcare Prices from 2010 to 2019. Data were categorized according to material composition and clinical application. The collated variables were used in a multiple linear regression model to predict the impact of unit price in procurement processes. Results: A total of 5,973 procurement processes (1,524,693 items) were evaluated. Calcium hydroxides were found in 79% of the observations (4,669 processes). Prices drop each year by US$1.87 while MTAs and epoxy resins are increasingly purchased at higher prices (US$50.87; US$67.69, respectively). The microregion, the procurement modality, and the type of institution had no influence on unit prices in the adjusted model (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Calcium hydroxide-based materials were the cheapest and most frequently purchased endodontic materials in the public health care system. Novel formulations are being implemented into clinical practice over time and their cost may be a barrier to the broad application of materials such as MTAs, despite their effectiveness.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriela de Souza Balbinot, Roger Keller Celeste, Francisco Montagner, Fabricio Mezzomo Collares