The study investigated the factors associated with the self-perception safety of dental students in clinical activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study was based on a semi-structured online (google forms) self-applied questionnaire, sent by e-mail to three private Dental Schools in Brazil. The variables were: 1) sociodemographic information; 2) questions about the measures adopted by dental schools before returning to clinical activities; 3) dental students’ self-perception of security; 4) the General Health Questionnaire. Data were submitted to Fisher’s exact test (p<0.05). Of the 294 eligible students, 97% were evaluated and 100% received previous specific biosafety training predominantly theoretical (72.16%) longer than one hour (51.55%). Most students (81.44%) felt secure performing clinical care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students undergoing specific biosafety training for longer than one hour felt safer than those perfoming training for up to 1 hour (p=0.004). Students from schools where the aerosol-producing restriction was applied felt safer than those without restrictions (p=0.016). Women reported feeling less secure than men (p=0.046), and students who submitted to COVID-19 Specific Biosafety Training felt safer in clinical activities than those submitted to theoretical training only (p=0.011). Students from private universities presenting psychosomatic changes felt less secure in practicing clinical dental care activities (p=0.006). In conclusion, time-spent training in biosafety, restriction of the use of aerosol-producing procedures, and the gender of students were associated with the self-perception safety of students. Students with practical training felt safer in clinical activities for patients with COVID-19 than those who had only theoretical training.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Luísa Quevedo Grave, Francine dos Santos Costa, Luiz Alexandre Chisini, Marcus Cristian Muniz Conde