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Evaluation of last-year dental students’ knowledge of prescription of analgesics and anti-bacterial agents for pregnant and lactating women


Anti-bacterial agents

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Abbasi F, Forootan S, Ebadi M, Saied-Moallemi Z. Evaluation of last-year dental students’ knowledge of prescription of analgesics and anti-bacterial agents for pregnant and lactating women. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 16 [cited 2024 Jun. 26];22(00):e237790. Available from:


Oral health in pregnant and lactating women can affect maternal and child health. Dental treatments in this period should not have adverse effects on maternal and child health. This study was conducted to investigate the last-year dental students’ knowledge of the prescription of analgesics and antibiotics for pregnant and lactating mothers in Isfahan city, Iran. Methods: A total of 104 last-year dental students of Khorasgan Islamic Azad University and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences were recruited in this descriptiveanalytical study. They completed a 16-item questionnaire on the prescription of analgesics and antibiotics for pregnant and lactating mothers. Data were analyzed by SPSS (Version 22) statistical software(t-test). Results: The total mean score of students’ knowledge was 9.02±1.91. The highest level of knowledge about the safest analgesic (acetaminophen) was reported for the pregnant patients so that 100% of them had correct information in this regard. Further, the lowest level of knowledge was found for the use of dexamethasone during lactation, as only 10.6% of respondents were able to provide a correct response in this regard. Conclusion: The dental students had average knowledge about the prescription of antibiotics and analgesics for pregnant and lactating patients. To prevent the possible risks for these patients, further information should be provided to dental students.


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Donaldson M, Goodchild JH. Pregnancy, breast-feeding and drugs used in dentistry. J Am Dent Assoc. 2012 Aug;143(8):858-71. doi: 10.14219/jada.archive.2012.0290. Erratum in: J Am Dent Assoc. 2012 Nov;143(11):1187.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Fatemeh Abbasi, Sabra Forootan, Mehrdad Ebadi, Zahra Saied-Moallemi


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