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Effect of two methods of irrigant agitation on the temperature and cleanliness of sodium hypochlorite associated or not with a chelator


Root canal irrigants
Sodium hypochlorite

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Borges MMB, Barros MC de, Queiroz Índia O de A, Andrade FB de, Duarte MAH. Effect of two methods of irrigant agitation on the temperature and cleanliness of sodium hypochlorite associated or not with a chelator: irrigant agitation and influence in temperature. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 13];22(00):e238692. Available from:


Aim: This study investigated the influence in vitro of different sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) agitation protocols associated or not with DualRinse (HEDP) on the temperature of the solution. Methods: Forty-eight premolars were instrumented and their apical third sealed to allow a closed irrigation system. The teeth remained immersed in a basin of warm water (37°C). The teeth were divided into the groups: G1 (NaOCl+Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI)), G2 (NaOCl/HEDP + PUI), G3 (NaOCl + EasyClean (EC)) and G4 (NaOCl/HEDP + EC). The canals were filled with the respective solutions and after 180 seconds the first temperature measurement was taken (T0). Then, the solutions were agitated, following the different protocols, for 60 seconds and a new measurement was performed (T60). The temperature was measured using a digital thermometer for type “K” sensors that was inserted into the middle third of the teeth. At the end of the measurements, the teeth were sectioned and prepared for scanning electron microscopy. The dentinal wall of middle third was graded according to the amount of debris and smear layer remaining on the walls. The results were analyzed using ANOVA test and Tukey’s multiple comparisons (p<0.05). Results: G1 and G2 had an average increase in temperature of 1.1°C and 1.65°C, respectively (p>0.05). EasyClean caused a decrease in the temperature of the solutions in both groups, without a significant statistical difference with T0 (p>0.05). Regarding cleaning, it was only possible to observe clean dentinal tubules in the groups with the chelator. PUI discretely increased the temperature of the solution, regardless of the solution. The opposite effect was observed after activation with EasyClean. Conclusion: The association of NaOCl with a chelating agent promoted the cleaning of the dentinal tubules.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana Maciel Batista Borges; Mirela Cesar de Barros; Índia Olinta de Azevedo Queiroz, Flaviana Bombarda de Andrade, Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte


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