Aim: This study’s objective was to assess the accuracy of the integrated apex locator in identifying artificial root canal perforations in the presence of saline, chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite, QMix, and MTAD. Methods: The root canals of 60 single-rooted extracted human teeth were perforated artificially at a point 10 mm away from the root apex. After measuring the actual lengths up to the perforation point, the teeth were then put within an alginate mould for measurements using an integrated apex locator. Using a #20 K-file in the presence of NaCl, CHX, MTAD, NaOCl, and QMix, an electronic apex locator was used to measure the perforations electronically in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Between the measurements, each canal was dried with paper points after being irrigated with distilled water. The accuracy of all the readings was calculated at ± 0.5 mm. Statistical analyses were performed using the Z-test. Results: In comparison to the MTAD, NaOCl, and Qmix, saline and chlorhexidine scored more readings in the ± 0.5 mm range of the perforation site, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The most precise electronic measurements of artificial perforation were obtained in the presence of chlorhexidine or saline.
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