Medical health professionals have the opportunity to influence the oral health of children, as they are the first health professionals to come in contact with expectant mothers and parents of infants and toddlers. Aim: To evaluate and compare undergraduate medical students’ knowledge, attitude, and practice about early childhood oral health care before and after educational intervention. Methods: A cohort study was conducted among undergraduate medical students during their course. The baseline knowledge and attitude of 80 medical students were evaluated using a validated questionnaire (Phase I). Following, they completed 8 hours of educational intervention and their change in the knowledge and attitude was reassessed (Phase II). The intervention continued through web-based learning till they reached their residency. The students’ knowledge, attitude, and practice were again reassessed at the end of their residency (Phase III). Results: Knowledge: There was a significant increase in the knowledge about the term gum pads, from 70% in Phase I to 90% in Phase III. Only 30% of medical students knew that the oral cavity of a newborn was devoid of microorganisms during Phase I, but this knowledge improved to 86% in Phase III. Almost 58 to 90% of the medical students had a basic knowledge of the influence of high caries on mothers, the importance and benefit of antenatal counselling, and the effect of poor maternal health. In Phase I, although 92% were aware of the multifactorial pattern of dental caries, only 42% and 53% knew the causative organism and transmissibility of it from mother to child, respectively. Around 77% and 62% agreed that antenatal counselling and counselling on feeding and weaning, respectively, will prevent ECC. Attitude: The attitude towards treating primary teeth was less (66%) in Phase I, subsequently increasing to 100% at the end of Phase III. Practice: Following Phase III, most of them (88%) examined the child’s oral cavity during routine medical checkups in the Knee-to-Knee position (93%) and counted the number of teeth present (91%), and they were able to identify the dental carious teeth (88%). Conclusion: The medical curriculum should include a module on early childhood oral health.
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