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Contributions to writing biographies of women in science based on the experiences of Keller, Ferry and Goldsmith
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Scientific biographies
History of women in science
Feminist biographies
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SANTANA, Carolina; PEREIRA, Letícia; SILVA, Indianara. Contributions to writing biographies of women in science based on the experiences of Keller, Ferry and Goldsmith. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 65, p. e226524, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article discusses the writing of biographies of women scientists based on the experiences of Evelyn Fox Keller, Georgina Ferry and Barbara Goldsmith in writing the biographies of the scientists Barbara McClintock, Dorothy Hodgkin and Marie Curie, respectively. We discuss how the writing process and the public repercussions of these biographies contributes to a theoretical reflection on biographies of women in science. We consider it necessary to think of the history of women in science to be composed of clearly political projects, and for this reason defend the concept of feminist biographies

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