Magic and Brazilian colonial culture
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Brazilian colonialism

How to Cite

Santos, E. A. G. C. dos. (1999). Magic and Brazilian colonial culture: methodological reflections in the spirit of Max Weber. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión Ciências Sociais E Religião, 1(1), 11–26.


The text intends to built up the methodological basis for a “macro” interpretation of Brazilian religious history, regarding, specially, the relations between religious and political processes and beliefs during the formation of brazilian culture. Starting from a broader “weberian” theoretical frame, which emphasizes the rational components of individual action, the analysis has pointed to importance of the concepts of slavery and magic. Slavery appeared (in the article) as the ultimate and unsurmountable reality, while magic was seen as the cognitive instrument used to “understand” it.
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Copyright (c) 1999 Eurico A. González Cursino dos Santos


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