The art, architecture and the sacred
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How to Cite

Abumanssur, E. S. (2000). The art, architecture and the sacred. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 2(2), 177–190.


The beauty rises within Christians theologian’s reflections on the discussions about the possibility and ways to know God. The aesthetic issue is marked by the “gnosiologic” approach. The iconoclastic thinking doesn’t recognize on the sensation world a safe way towards God. The abstract art is the most finished expression of that. But, facing the problem of God knowledge, the architecture can’t be evaluated by the same way. The religious architecture follows its own way parallel to iconoclastic discussions. The Pentecostals religions in the big metropolis have used buildings made to other uses: theatres, factories, super markets, garages. The brand about the use of these buildings is the understanding of its provisory character. Now the provisory is, itself, part of the sacred space. This architecture is not exactly religious but the religious use of these buildings speaks about a kind of sacred. There is a convergence between the abstract art and the pentecostal experience about the sacred space. Will be able the futures generations to understand the actual religious spirit looking at these temples? What they will say about them?
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