Religious conversions, secular conversions
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Míguez, D. (2000). Religious conversions, secular conversions: comparing identity transformation strategies in minority programs and Pentecostal churches. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 2(2), 31–62.


Argentine society has suffered lately a significant growth of its delinquency rate. Crime has increased in all its forms, including juvenile delinquency that has been no exception. Given this growth, Argentina has changed its social policies, transforming its macro-institutions where juveniles were incarcerated into small institutions, with open or semi-open programs. As it had happened in Massachussets in the 1970s, statistics show that there are no great differences in recidivism during the first years following this change of policies. However, statistical research shows that certain Pentecostal churches do obtain more positive results, reducing the levels of recidivism. This article analyses the reasons behind this contrast by employing the concepts of identity and Identity Transformation Organizations forwarded by Greil and Rudy.
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