Cosmological bridges and comparative religion
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Comparative religion

How to Cite

Wright, P. (2001). Cosmological bridges and comparative religion. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 3(3), 131–141.


In this paper, I propose to undertake a brief comparative analysis between the current cosmology of the Argentine Chaco Toba people and Eastern religious traditions such as the Yoga of India. My analysis includes native drawings about the “Cosmic Tree”, and the notions of force, energy, consciousness, health and illness. In this regard, the work of Mircea Eliade bridges the gap and allows a dialogue between these two disparate cultural horizons. Both seem to share common “structural” features as well as remote historical connections. The religious and cosmological imagery of Yoga appears as useful in providing new images and metaphors to assess Toba shamanism and world view vis-a-vis the classic ethnographic literature of the area. To sum up, this intercultural exploration aims at finding structural and ontological analogies that can enrich the theoretical and empirical background of phenomena little known in the Argentine religious geography.
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CARVALHO, José Jorge de. 1995. Mutus Liber. O Livro Mudo da Alquimia. São Paulo: Attar Editorial

DIEGO, Alejandra. 1999. Representaciones y prácticas corporales: El Yoga en Misiones. Comunicación al simposio Antropología Simbólica. III Reunión de Antropología del Mercosur, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Posadas 23-26 noviembre.

ELIADE, Mircea. 1998. El Yoga: Inmortalidad y Libertad. México: F.C.E.

WRIGHT, Pablo G. 1995. ¿Cinco Discursos y un Mismo Árbol? Problemas de iconografía y hermenéutica antropológica. Anthropologica 13:91-124.

WRIGHT, Pablo G. 1997. “Being-in-the-dream.” Postcolonial explorations in Toba ontology. Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Anthropology, Temple University.

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Copyright (c) 2001 Pablo Wright


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