Disenchantment and contemporary forms of the religious
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How to Cite

Sanchis, P. (2001). Disenchantment and contemporary forms of the religious. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 3(3), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-2650.2168


Are the two themes mentioned in the title necessarily at odds with each other? “Contemporary forms of religious” could not also arise out of “disenchantment”? What, then, would they have to do with a possible “reenchantment of the world”? In fact, we are once more facing the problem of “secularization”. What does this phenomenon mean? The present paper itself does not address this problem. It simply displays it as involving a certain range of aporias and exploit it minimally by using recent empirical data. Its only aim was to start a dialogue and to suggest that this old debate about secularization could show itself much more fruitful if it involved minutely with the empirical results that are abundantly available these days.

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