Gender, religion and politics
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How to Cite

Machado, M. das D. C., & Figueiredo, F. M. de. (2002). Gender, religion and politics: evangelicals in electoral disputes in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 4(4), 125–148.


This paper presents an analysis of the participation ofevangelical women in the elections that ocurred in the city of Rio deJaneiro in the year of 2000. Capital of a state where both the governor andvice-governor are evangelicals, Rio de Janeiro can be deemed as a richlaboratory for studies regarding the new trends and alliances amongreligious groups and political factions. With twenty-three femalecandidates running for the Municipal House of Representatives and onerepresentative running for mayor, the evangelicals seem to be well awareof the need to stimulate the presence of women in the political arena. Onthe side of this, as one compares female participation in the elections for aseat in the Municipal House of Representatives, one can verify that, while women represented 22.9% of the overall candidacies, the rate of femalecandidacies among evangelicals was of 25%. Such rates suggest that thereare not significant differences between the evangelicals and thesurrounding society in what is concerned to female participation in thepolitical debate and disputes. Who these women are, what they stand forand the meaning of their candidacies for the female population of Rio deJaneiro are some of the issues addressed in this paper.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Maria das Dores Campos Machado, Fabiana Melo de Figueiredo


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